february in review

I haven’t posted for two whole weeks. Am I going to apologize? No. Life has been just GREAT lately, and so much has been going on that I haven’t been able to think of any ideas, much less write them and publish them. Other than that I don’t really think that I need to give any explanation.

Oh, and this post is also a day late.

Roll tape.

So I don’t know about you guys, but I feel like February was barely even a month. I did plenty of stuff, but it was just… gone so soon? And I know I say that every month but this month more so than the rest. And I’ve been thinking a lot about how our time on this earth is so limited (there may or may not be another essay in the works ;]), so hopefully I’ll take more time to notice and enjoy the little moments in March. Oh, and as much as I’m sad that my birth month is already gone, let’s just take a moment to appreciate that IT’S ALREADY MARCH. The 3rd quarter is almost over. That means that school is 3/4 of the way done (for me – hehehe sorry public schoolers). And that means SPRING AND SUMMER. But for real now, let’s take a look at what little bits of February actually happened.

in terms of blogging

So…… this month wasn’t what I’d call my best blogging month. Sure, I started to eliminate forgetting to post on Thursdays, but I sort of skipped two weeks entirely. As I said before, I’m not going to apologize for that, because life hit me HARD, but I’m definitely going to try WAY harder at blogging in March. Maybe I’ll finally share what I’ve been promising to share since DECEMBER. Heh. Some things just take a lot longer to do than others, so stay tuned.

Posts in February:

Wow….that’s a lot more disappointing when it’s written out like that. But I pinky promise to you that I will post at least once a week in March. At least. I have next week off, so I’ll try to schedule LOTSSSS of posts!

and without further ado, we shall turn to the category I am MOST proud of…

in terms of books

GUYS. I actually went to the library. GOT a library card. CHECKED OUT 5 BOOKS. Well, you already sort of knew that from my book reviews post, but I’m here to scream about the other ones I read. In total:

  1. The Abolition of Man: C.S. Lewis – I really loved how thought-provoking this short little book was, albeit a little confusing to keep track of. (Also, if you’re going to read it, make sure you have plenty of time to read it because if you’re reading it really rushed you’re not going to enjoy it as much!)
  2. To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before: Jenny Han – I loved this book even though it wasn’t the best book I’ve ever read. (Sticking out for the movie, y’all.) More details in my book review post πŸ˜‰
  3. I Believe in a Thing Called Love: Maurene Goo – GUYS THIS BOOK WAS SO CUTE. One of my new favorites ❀
  4. First and Then: Emma Mills – OK, this book was quite possibly better than any YA I’ve ever read. It was so good, I devoured it in a day, and it put me in THE biggest Book Induced Moodβ„’Β I have EVER been in. I would have been sobbing for hours after finishing it were it not that I was in the car for 7 hours with my entire family. And it wasn’t actually sad, I just get that way from sweet books. And OHHHHHH the character arcs! Ezra was so sweet *tear*
  5. Always Never Yours: Emily Wibberly – not exactly my favorite book ever, but STILL. SHAKESPEARE. Y’all know I can’t resist a good drama!
  6. This Adventure Ends: Emma Mills – once again, not my favorite book on the shelf, but I still thoroughly enjoyed it and it was a great distraction from the ENDLESS hours on the road. (I literally read this one and Always Never Yours the WHOLE way home with minimal breaks! Except for when I almost got really carsick. That wasn’t good.

6 Books sound SO pathetic compared to all of my incredible homeschool/bookish blogger friends’ February reads, but just remember that I’m currently being rehabilitated after years of barely reading. I still have to make myself remember to sit down and read, so I’m actually really proud of the books I’ve read this month. Plus, I’m already 3 books ahead of schedule on my Goodreads Challenge, so yay!

I’m going to try to read at least 5 books this month. I’m not going too high, but I do have spring break, so maybe I’ll completely blow this goal out of the water!


in terms of life

Part of the reason I think February went by so quickly is that there was just so much to do. A lot of it was my fault (hehe, procrastination gives me anxiety but for some reason, I do it anywayssss), and a lot of it was just school and life. Hopefully, I won’t be as busy in March – we’ll see!

I’m not going to do exact resolution recaps, I’m just going to go off of what I remember.

  • Reading the Bible every night – I really did badly at this one. I just kept forgetting to catch up for forgetting in January, and that all just snowballed into me just finishing my work and going almost straight to bed. Not that there’s any excuse for that, though – I REALLY need to step it up this month!
  • Going to the gym/Eating Healthy – This one is very so-so. I did go to the gym several times, but not more than once a week, which was somewhat disappointing. And with healthy food, all I’m gonna say is that there was a lot of salad but there was also a lot of really yummy food. (I’m sorry, what am I going to do, NOT eat cake when it’s offered me? Vacation = sweets, and there’s nothing else to it.) Optimally I would go to the gym at least twice a week and eat nothing but clean food all day every day, but I’m going to keep a realistic mindset about this. On the other hand, I’ve also been stretching a lot recently, so that’s good!
  • Practicing a LOT more – yes and no. Most of the month was as it has been for about the last year, but NOT SO for this last week! I’m getting really close to finishing a piece, so I’ve been practicing a lot more recently! Hopefully, that’ll translate into this coming month, too, especially with the new orchestra music we got!
  • Keeping my room clean – sort of….. I mean, for the majority of the month I had a half clean room, but every time it’s gotten dirty I’ve been able to clean it up in 10 minutes, and I even did my laundry in a timely fashion. I’ll try to keep it 100% clean in March!
  • Continue Practicing Photography – well……. I haven’t had as much time to do this, nor have I had anything particularly exciting to capture, so not really 100%. There were some things, though, like the DC Trip that I’ll be sharing soon!
  • Bake More – I keep on telling myself that I’ll do it, but every time I think, “do I really need an extra loaf of bread?” I guess the healthy mindset is taking over…
  • Watch less YouTube/Spend less time on Instagram – This one I can definitely say got worse for February, even though overall I have done much better than last year. I need to work on that in March. However, I haven’t been watching SO much stuff that I haven’t been able to get done what I need to get done. So I’ll work on finding better things to do with my time this month!


That’s about it for the wrap-up. Sorry it’s late, and sorry it’s 2 weeks and a day after when I should have posted. I’ll try to be a lot more present and organized in March.

Here’s to this March!


alittlebitofrunion sign-off

9 thoughts on “february in review

  1. (Love your sign-out by the way!) Don’t worry, this month was a slow reading month for me, too. I have to finish my three books I am reading right now this month and then I have to at least read another, (I also have lots of school books so I feel like I may be saying that in April…or May…too!) πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Good goals, and good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ay, don’t apologize for anything. Life always goes before blogging, and I’m so glad that yours is great right now! πŸ˜€ Whatever is coming your way, I hope it’s great. πŸ™‚

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