on hate

To start: no part of this post will be political. I know those things always blow up and I’m not interested in that, so I’ll just start by saying that this is mostly opinion, and my mindset on this topic. It’s something that definitely needs to be thought about more often, though!

I have a lot of feelings on this topic. “I hate” has always been something that too easily slips out of my mouth. “I hate this,” “I hate this person,” “I hate (fill in the blank)” – and I think I’m not the only one.

The Bible says very clearly that to hate someone is equivalent to murder; and while I think we never actually truly hate someone or something, it’s something that a lot of people say without thinking.

I don’t directly have haters, per say, but every youtube channel you see, every book, movie, topic, even ideas and topics, has hate that attacks it in some way. And although everyone says “hate is wrong, don’t hate on this,” their preaching doesn’t always translate to their life.

And really, I’m trying not to be preachy here. I slip up and say that I hate things all the time, but I’m trying not to and I really think that you guys should too.



I think that maybe this random rambling will make more sense if I give an example.


Imagine that you’re friends with a group of people that, while you love hanging out with them, you have a lot of differences with them, and sometimes that makes you feel a little left out. But they’re great people, and they love you no matter what.

One day you bring up one of your interests in the group chat, or while hanging out with them. Let’s say for demonstration purposes, that interest is poetry. You love poetry; the beauty of it strikes you in the heart, and it’s the way words make sense to you. To you, it’s pure, raw emotion and feeling. But perhaps that’s not what your friends think; perhaps they think that poetry is boring, or they just don’t connect with it on as deep a level.

And instead of gently disagreeing, instead of just saying, “I personally don’t find it as interesting as you do,” they merely say, “I hate poetry.” Or, “poetry’s so boring.” And while it’s a valid thing for them to think, saying something like that is never a good idea.


That example is actually something that happened to me. You might think that’s no big deal. It’s definitely not, looking back. But saying that you hate something that another person loves, and then tearing it apart for all of the reasons that person loves it can really hurt a person. I remember exactly when that happened; it was late at night and we were having a regular conversation. And perhaps I just feel things deeply, but I cried. I cried a lot. I felt that, by attacking my favorite thing, they were attacking me.

And before I go on, I need to stress that this was not out of malicious intent on their part. They’re my closest friends, and I love them so much. But saying “I hate what you love” is one of the big problems of the world.

It is impossible for the whole world to simply stop hating. It’s a dream that will never come to fruition; but if we stop hating and start respecting opinions, we might get a lot more done.



I’ll tie in some other things while I’m at it. I can’t even count the times I’ve been told “do what you love, love what you do;” I’d imagine that almost every kid in America has been told that at least once. It’s a really true statement. You should be doing what you love. Hobbies are a great thing. But instead of supporting those who don’t love the same things that you do, most people are dragging them down and telling them that their passion isn’t worth it. And while that’s not the most major factor in depression, I’m willing to bet that being told “I hate” all the time really hurts a person’s positivity.

That night lying in bed texting my friends, I was at a low point. This year was the first year that I had been way more driven to write poetry. Hey, maybe one day this will be my living. My profession. But that night I questioned everything. “Everybody always says do what you love, but they all hate what I love.” I actually said that to a friend. At 12:18 in the morning. And I was so low that I even asked, “why am I like that?”

This example is not a sob story. I’m not sucking up to anyone. I’m just trying to emphasize a point. Words have power. The things you say can be more harmful to a person than any punch you could ever throw at them.

Another overused phrase: “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” I used to get annoyed by it. Weren’t my opinions important? I figured out the hard way that yes, my opinions were important, but my hate was not.


Trivially saying, “Oh, I hate it when _ happens” is not always a bad thing. But if it’s something that someone loves, it’s not ok.


So maybe just cut back on the “i hate” stuff, ok?




Sorry, guys, for the wordy post, but it was on my mind and I had to say something. I said I wouldn’t get political, and I won’t, but even if it comes to someone else’s political opinions, don’t bring them down for it. Don’t make generalizations that aren’t true. One boring poem does not mean that all poems are boring. One person of a political party who has a certain offensive mindset does not make the rest of his party offensive. And just because you disagree with a person does not mean that they are a lesser person for it.


Bye, loves 💕


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25 thoughts on “on hate

  1. Yeah, I totally agree. I’m finding it better and better to not say something even if I disagree. If it’s not important, say, a personal preference or something, why bother? And when I do disagree, I try to see the other person’s reasons for why they like something or don’t like something, and try to never attack them. I think people today are really quick to hate; and that’s sad.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Totally agree, Catharine. I rarely use hate coz I feel the word is too strong so most of the time I say “I don’t like ______” or “I dislike ______.”
    I feel the same way too about people saying they hate something you love. For instance, I like cats and so many of my friends don’t. They expressed it in a way that hurt me a lot. I never thought they would react that way since they were nice people and my friends, but I guess they were just shocked or they acted impulsively or maybe they didn’t know. I don’t know. But when I stated that it was my opinion publicly (in a speech for some public speaking club) I’m not sure if they accepted it.

    It still hurts.

    Sorry for the lengthy comment 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Reblogged this on and commented:
    Such a beautiful post. I totally agree with Catharine on this.
    Express your opinions wisely; it can scar people for life it you don’t.


  4. I’m a writer, and whenever I tell my friends or any of peers about my hobby, they snort. I’ve been called a “nerd” too many times to count. Whenever people ask to read my stories, (I say yes, of course) they simply flip through the pages that are nothing but blank. Everyone always says the same thing and it drives me crazy.
    “Wow you have such neat handwriting?”
    “Omg you must be so motivated to spend so much time doing something so boring?”
    “Ooooh, that cool I guess,”
    And I have to admit, over time it really bugged me.
    And told my mom, and she felt really bad. She said the most beautiful words to me that day.
    “I love what you love because I love you,”
    And I I’ll think I’ll pass these words onto you because words DO have power.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, I’m sorry! I feel like great writing is so underrated these days. It’s truly from the heart! Thank you so much for that bit of advice; I’ll hold on to that!

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  5. *nods* I totally get ya! So many times people have hurt me simply by saying “I hate….” but they don’t know, and I’ve been known to say it myself. *facepalm* Thank you for posting, Catherine, it was so good to read!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This is such a wonderful post! Definitely so important to always remember.❤️It’s so easy to say one thing that may seem like an insignificant comment but can actually make a person feel so small and down about themselves. It’s so, so crucial to always spread love and that’s exactly what you did with this post!

    Liked by 1 person

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